A few things about me...
I love food, I don’t drink coffee, I love sports, and I would rather text than talk on the phone.
I was raised in the outskirts of Savannah, Ga on my family’s farm. we raised chickens, pigs, grew our own food and even made our own cane syrup. I moved to Athens in 2007 to start a new career in Information Technology. Besides my new job, I also joined a band and began singing all over town for different events. It was a fun time and I still get to sing around town from time to time. Now, I am married with a handsome son who keeps me pretty busy.
As far back as I can remember, I have always loved photographs. I remember going through my parent’s photo albums and looking at what life was like when they were young. they never seemed to have a lot of photos, but I had tons of questions, nevertheless. at a young age, I started taking pictures of everything and every event that I was involved in. Of course, it was just with a cheap camera or a phone, but I am so grateful to have those memories today.
I treat photography like I would treat an adventure with my best friends. getting up in the action, getting personal, and getting real and authentic photographs of my clients. I am not at all afraid to make a fool out of myself to give my clients and their families portraits to make them look at them in the future and feel something. I want them to laugh, and I want them to cry. I want them to remember....
Be vulnerable, be bold, be weird and let’s create some magic.